Monday, March 30, 2009

And the Winner is...

This week was a little more normal for me in terms of content here is this week's round up:

Here are the comics that I picked up this week:

Crossed #0
Gears of War #5
Dragon Prince #3

All of which were good. I am really interested in checking out the rest of the Crossed series to see where they take it. It is a pretty interesting concept. The pick of the week however is Gears of War #5. Any fan of the game who is not already reading this series should really check it out. It is a prequel to the events of Gears of War 2 and they are doing it really well. Even if you are not into the video game but like a good action comic you should check out this series.

I also finished the following books this week:

Castle Waiting
Too Cool to Be Forgotten

Both were very good and I highly recommend checking out both of them but my pick is Castle Waiting. If you are a fan of Jeff Smith's Bone you will probably enjoy this. It has a similar quirky fantasy feel. Linda Medley has done a fantastic job with this series. Her takes on some classic fairytale themes are really refreshing and quite amusing.

The movies that I watched this week were:

Max Payne (2008) 7
Fiddler on The Roof (1971) 1
First Descent (2005) 6

The pick of the week here is Max Payne. I was kind of nervous with this one. I loved the game and let's face it the movie industry has not always done the best things when it comes to making a movie based on a game. I must admit it was not the greatest thing ever but they really did alright by it. I thought that the way it was shot was really great and Mark Wahlberg did a really good job with the role. If you are into action you should at least give this one a shot!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Short and Sweet Round Up

OK so this week was pretty slow. I read a bunch of comics but did not see a single movie. I did finish a collection of old cartoons called 150 Cartoon Classics. Which was pretty good if you are entire old style cartoons from the 1930's through 1950's, Stuff like The Three Stooges, Felix The Cat, Casper...

Here is a look at the comics that I picked up this week:

Lillim #1
The Night Projectionist #1
Push #4-6
Dragon Prince #2
Bad Dog #2

Everything was pretty decent nothing bad really here. The pick of the week is Push. I really enjoyed this series. I have not yet seen the movie but I am hoping that it does not let me down. It was drawn great and the story kept me interested and wanting more. Definitely check it out if you are into sci-fi type stuff.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nothing truly mind blowing this week but a couple of things that were pretty good

House of The Dead (2003) 1
Single White Female 2: The Psycho (2005) 5
Dial M For Murder (1954) 1
The Ant Bully (2006) 7
Penelope (2006) 7
Rory O'Shea Was Here (2004) 7
Maniac Cop (1988) 6

The pick of the week was a lot tougher this week than it usually is because there was nothing that was amazing. But the best one was probably The Ant Bully. The voice acting, animation, and story were all pretty good. I have seen better but for a kids movie this was pretty good. It kept me interested and entertained all the way through. If you are looking for a good animated movie then give this a shot.

As for comics this week I picked up the following:

Push #2
Push #3
The Life and Times of Savior 28 #1
Hexed #3
Super Zombies #1
Soul Kiss #2

All were good except for Super Zombies which I probably will not be continuing with. The pick of the week though is Push. Although they did not come out this week. This series really has me interested and stoked about the upcoming film. The story is terrific with twists and turns that make you yearning to read the next issue to find out what happens next. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this series and checking out the movie when it comes out.

That's all for this week, check back next Monday!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Nights in Rodanthe, Goodfellas, Watchmen...

Just your average week with a couple good and a couple bad here is this week's round up:

Watchmen (2009) 8
Ugly Dachshund (1966) 6
Nights in Rodanthe (2008) 1
Dan in Real Life (2007) 1
Goodfellas (1990) 7

The pick of the week is Watchmen. First off if you have not read the novel yet what are you waiting for. I was kind of worried about this because I enjoyed the Graphic Novel quite a bit. It is always a little bit scary going to see a movie based on a book that you liked a lot. Overall I really I think they did a fantastic job. It was pretty true to the book through the majority of the movie. There was one big change with the ending that I did not agree with at all and for a movie that was staying so true to the source for for almost the entire thing it did not really make since to me why they changed it. Despite this everything else about it was pretty awesome. The action, the story, the special effects. It all just works. It may not be for everyone but everyone should at least give it a try.

On the comic book front here is what I picked up this week:

Bang! Tango #2
Executive Assistant Iris #0
Fringe #3
I am Legion #2
Jersey Gods #2
Locke & Key: Head Games #3
The Mighty #2
Push #1

All in all pretty good. I am having a little trouble following I am Legion. There seems to be a bunch of characters who all look very similar to me. But other than that the story is pretty good. The pick of the week is definitely Lock & Key: Head Games #3. With the cliff hanger ending of the last issue I had no idea what was coming next and what it could possibly mean ending with Boyd's head completely open like it was. The artwork on pages 6-7 alone is worth picking this up. Joe Hil and Gabriel Rodriguez have done it again!

I also read

Calvin & Hobbes: Revenge of The Baby-Sat
30 Days of Night: Red Snow

Both were good although there have been previous installments of the 30 Days of Night series that I have liked better.

That is all for this week folks!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Slow Week

Kind of a slow week on nthe movie front only seeing one film but I did get a decent amount of reading done:

The Wrestler (2008) 9

The pick of the week and only film that I saw was The Wrestler of which I was a little worried about liking. With so much hype around it could it really be that good. Believe it or not it does definitely live up to the hype and is a fantastic movie. Mickey Rourke does an amazing job playing a broken down wrestler who is having trouble moving on with his life when he has known nothing but being a wrestler for the majority of his life. It is probably not for everyone but I think the majority of people will like this movie. So it is definitely worth giving a shot.

In other media I Picked up the following comics this week:

The Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #5
Dragon Prince #1

Both were good. I am curious to see where they take Dragon Prince next. Mouse Guard was great as always. David Petersen really does a fantastic job with this series.

I also read the following books:

The Complete Peanuts: 1957-1958
Salt Water Taffy: A Climb Up Mt. Barnabus
30 Days of Night: Eben & Stella
I am Legend

All of which was pretty good. I must admit that I was kind of disappointed with this volume of 30 Days of Night. The story was good but I found the art to be kind of confusing at times. It was often hard to distinguish the different characters. I was pretty nervous with reading 300. I did not care much for the movie really so I was not sure whether this was going to be worth it. It totally blows the movie away. The art and story are both amazing. My pick of the week is I Am Legend. Steve Niles completely out did himself with this. The story is told so perfectly that at times I could hardly put it down. He makes you really feel for Robert Neville and how lonely he must be being the last person on Earth. It is a must read.

That is all for this week folks. Comments are always welcome let me know your thoughts!