Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Whoops again

A day late again...whoops


Ignition City #1
30 Days of Night: 30 Days Til' Death #1-3
Locke & Key: Head Games #4

This week had some really good comics and it is hard to pick the best of the bunch. All of them are definitely worth picking up but the one that I liked the best though was Ignition City #1. This series has some great potential. The story is intriguing and entertaining. It follows the happenings of an island filled with old space heroes and adventures who have burnt themselves out over the years. One part Sci-Fi, one part wild west. The art has been done very well. The characters are different from those found in other stories and really set this apart from the pack. definitely check it out.


Payback (1990) 1
House of Wax (1953) 6

Kind of a slow week on the movie end the pick of the week is House of Wax. If you did not like the remake of this film but never saw the original. Then you should check it out. It is quite different from the remake and in many ways better. The remake was more of a slasher with this version being more of a thriller. Vincent Price does a terrific job with his role. While there are no really scary or scream inducing moments it is still a classic horror film that should be enjoyed by all.