Monday, February 23, 2009

John Valby and more

An average week overall. Here is the rundown:

Mamma Mia! (2008) 7
Taken (2008) 8
Tarzan (1999) 7
The Secret Life of Words (2005) 1
The Color Purple (1985) 7
Presumed Innocent (1990) 6
Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil (1997) 1
Kiss of Death (1995) 5
Half Nelson (2006) 1
Swingers (1996) 5

The pick of the week is Taken. I had heard mixed reviews about this film so I was unsure whether I would like it or not. But after seeing it I must say I was quite impressed. I thought that everything about it was great. It had plenty of action for any action fan and the story kept you intrigued as to what would happen next. Liam Neeson did a terrific job playing the revenge seeking dad trying to find his kidnapped daughter. Like I said I had heard mixed reviews on this so for you it could probably go either way but I think it is definitely worth checking out.

As for comics this past week. I picked up Johnny Monster #1, The Great Unknown #1, Mysterius The UnFathomable #2, and Zombies That Ate The World #1. All of which were alright. But the stand out was The Great Unknown. The story is starting off pretty good and I am interested in seeing what will happen next.

I also continued my way through the Calvin & Hobbes series and finished Weirdos From Another Planet! which is great just like the others.

On another note this week I got the chance to see John Valby (Dr. Dirty). This show was hilarious. However if you are one who is easily offended then this is probably not the show for you. Honestly he is quite the equal opportunity offender and touches a little bit on just about everything. He knows where the line is and then pushes right on over it. If you are into that kind of humor then this is the show for you!

That is all for this folks!