Monday, March 09, 2009

Nights in Rodanthe, Goodfellas, Watchmen...

Just your average week with a couple good and a couple bad here is this week's round up:

Watchmen (2009) 8
Ugly Dachshund (1966) 6
Nights in Rodanthe (2008) 1
Dan in Real Life (2007) 1
Goodfellas (1990) 7

The pick of the week is Watchmen. First off if you have not read the novel yet what are you waiting for. I was kind of worried about this because I enjoyed the Graphic Novel quite a bit. It is always a little bit scary going to see a movie based on a book that you liked a lot. Overall I really I think they did a fantastic job. It was pretty true to the book through the majority of the movie. There was one big change with the ending that I did not agree with at all and for a movie that was staying so true to the source for for almost the entire thing it did not really make since to me why they changed it. Despite this everything else about it was pretty awesome. The action, the story, the special effects. It all just works. It may not be for everyone but everyone should at least give it a try.

On the comic book front here is what I picked up this week:

Bang! Tango #2
Executive Assistant Iris #0
Fringe #3
I am Legion #2
Jersey Gods #2
Locke & Key: Head Games #3
The Mighty #2
Push #1

All in all pretty good. I am having a little trouble following I am Legion. There seems to be a bunch of characters who all look very similar to me. But other than that the story is pretty good. The pick of the week is definitely Lock & Key: Head Games #3. With the cliff hanger ending of the last issue I had no idea what was coming next and what it could possibly mean ending with Boyd's head completely open like it was. The artwork on pages 6-7 alone is worth picking this up. Joe Hil and Gabriel Rodriguez have done it again!

I also read

Calvin & Hobbes: Revenge of The Baby-Sat
30 Days of Night: Red Snow

Both were good although there have been previous installments of the 30 Days of Night series that I have liked better.

That is all for this week folks!


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